Meet Casmin
Crisis Counselor and Lover of Life
Hi, I'm Casmin! I'm passionate about helping others to bring themselves from a heated moment to a cool calm. My goal is to create a space where individuals can feel safe, calm, hopeful, and supported during the tough moments in life. I enjoy connecting with people through their past, present, and future and helping to guide them to a place of mental peace and clarity.
I have faith that you will trust yourself to create the life that you really want!

What I Specialize In
Traumatic Life Experiences
Holistic Nutrition
Mindfulness Meditation
Creative Arts Therapy
Stress & Anxiety
"Honestly thank you so much. I've been struggling for so long for someone just to listen to how I feel."
-Former Client
"Thank you so much. I know I've already said this but you helped me so much on a day where I felt so helpless."